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AWS EC2 or (BYOAWS) Bring Your Own AWS Account

AWS is the largest cloud provider with one of the best networks available and a large number of regions and data centers.

Supported Services

Private network
Elastic IP

SMTP Services are not supported in AWS LIghtsail (Mailcow, Postal, etc.).

Supported Regions

Continent Country City Datacenter
Africa South Africa Cape Town af-south-1
Asia Australia Sydney ap-southeast-2
Asia Australia Melbourne ap-southeast-4
Asia Hong Kong Hong Kong ap-east-1
Asia India Mumbai ap-south-1
Asia India Hyderabad ap-south-2
Asia Indonesia Jakarta ap-southeast-3
Asia Japan Tokyo ap-northeast-1
Asia Japan Osaka ap-northeast-3
Asia Korea Seoul ap-northeast-2
Asia Singapore Singapore ap-southeast-1
Europe France Paris eu-west-3
Europe Germany Frankfurt eu-central-1
Europe Ireland Dublin eu-west-1
Europe Italy Milan eu-south-1
Europe Spain Spain eu-south-2
Europe Sweden Stockholm eu-north-1
Europe Switzerland Zurich eu-central-2
Europe United Kingdom London eu-west-2
Middle East Bahrain Bahrain me-south-1
Middle East United Arab Emirates UAE me-central-1
North America Canada Montreal ca-central-1
North America USA N. Virginia us-east-1
North America USA Ohio us-east-2
North America USA N. California us-west-1
North America USA Oregon us-west-2
South America Brazil Sao Paulo sa-east-1

VM Sizes

Size Cores Ram HDDBandwidth
MICRO-1C-2C-1G 12 1GB 40GB10 SSD 2to 10 TB
SMALL-1C-2C-2G 12 2GB 60GB10 SSD 3to 10 TB
MEDIUM-2C-4G 2 4GB 80GB10 SSD 4to 10 TB
LARGE-2C-8G 2 8GB 160GB10 SSD 5to 10 TB
XLARGE-4C-16G 4 16GB 320GB10 SSD 6to 10 TB
2XLARGE-8C-32G 8 32GB 640GB10 SSDGB to 10 TB
3XLARGE-16C-64G 71664GB10 GB to 10 TB
4XLARGE-32C-128G32128GB10 GB to 10 TB