You can also deploy intoan Elestio service on your own cloudAWS account fromwith anyBYOVM
To providerdo (Azure, GCP, Alibaba, Oracle, etc.) or from an VM hosted on-premise. In these instances,it, you arewill responsibleneed forto the relationship with your provider while we take care of the management side of things. Pricing is based on the specification of the VM you are connecting.
$5 per vCPU + $2.5 per GB of Ram + $0.25 per 10GB of disk.
Example: if you are connectingcreate a VM withon 2AWS vCPUEC2, +first 4GBconnect Ramto +AWS 40GBEC2 Disk,dashboard: the cost per month will be:
(5*2) + (2.5*4) + (0.25*4) = ~$21/mo
There hourclick ison then"Launch calculatedinstances" likebutton this:and $21/730hselect =Ubuntu $0.02876/h20
Scroll down to Instance type to select your VM size based on your needs