Add a node
If you want to add a new node to your cluster, you can:
- Click on the Add Node button in the top-right corner of your cluster page.
- Alternatively, in the Overview tab, click on Add Node.
A prompt will appear, asking for confirmation to add a new node.
If you click on the Nodes tab,confirm, you will seebe redirected to a listnew page to choose your Cloud Provider and Service Plan. Once selected, click the Create Node button to proceed.
Since this node is part of allan yourexisting nodescluster, withyou detailedcannot information,choose sucha as:custom name. The node's name will automatically follow the naming convention, incrementing the node number, even if a previous node has been deleted. For example:
was deleted previously).
Once the new node is adeployed, Primaryit orwill abe Replica.automatically
Promote: Allows you to promote aReplicanode to aPrimarynode.Delete: Provides the option to remove a nodefromthe cluster.
This interface makes it easy to monitor and manage your nodes