CI/CD overview
Elestio is the simplest and fastest way to deploy your source code in github/gitlab/docker registry to production.
We support any tech stack (through docker) and we provide samples for the most popular stacks & frameworks
In 3 steps you can deploy any kind of project, frontend, backend, api, db, you name it.
- Select your source code in Github / Gitlab or from a Docker registry (private registries are supported)
- Select the target where you want to deploy
- Configure in the UI env vars, volumes, life cycle events, reverse proxy with SSL
Done, in few minutes your app is live
What is included
- Code deployment on the target
- Compilation & Logs
- Reverse proxy with managed SSL, also for additional custom domains
- Backups/Restore to S3 Bucket
- Tools: ssh, web terminal, VS Code, File explorer all in the context of your pipeline