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Projects & Teams Teams

Creating a project assigns you an administrator role as the project owner. As an administrator (A...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Leave a project

Projects & Teams Projects

Read-only users are able to leave projects. 1. Select Members in the left menu2. Select the Leav...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Manage projects

Projects & Teams Projects

Changing project settings Select Settings from the left menu.You can easily rename your project,...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit


Services Dashboard

The notes tab is useful to save textual notes about service, for yourself or other team members

Updated 1 year ago by Amit


Services Dashboard

Alerts are enabled by default on all new services. You can enable or completely disable alerts. ...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit


Services Dashboard

Metrics tabs allow you to view your service's metrics in real-time.You can configure the update p...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Reset SSH/SFTP Password

Services Dashboard Tools

By default, password authentication is disabled. For security reasons, we recommend using SSH Pub...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Web Terminal

Services Dashboard Tools

From the Tools tab in the service overview, click on the "Terminal" button The first launch can ...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

File Explorer

Services Dashboard Tools

From the Tools tab in the service overview, click on the "File Explorer" button. The first launc...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit


Services Dashboard Tools

From the Tools tab in the service overview, click on VS Code button to start VS Code in the brows...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Software logs, configuration, restart app, change version

Services Dashboard Overview

From the service overview, you can open live logs with the "View app logs" button You can ch...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Delete a service

Services Dashboard Overview

To delete a service, ensure that termination protection is disabled then click on "Delete service...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Upgrade support plan

Services Dashboard Overview

From the service overview, click on "Upgrade plan" on the support plan row to change your support...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Upgrade service plan

Services Dashboard Overview

In the service overview, disable the termination protection then shut down the service, once done...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Software & OS Updates configuration

Services Dashboard Overview

OS & Software updates are enabled by default when you create a new service. You can configure ...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Move a Service to Another Project

Services Dashboard Overview

You can easily move your services between projects.1. From the service Dashboard Overview tab, se...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Bandwidth & Networks

Services Dashboard Overview

In the service Dashboard Overview tab, you will also find a recap of your bandwidth usage for the...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Selected / change software version

Services Dashboard Overview

You can select another version of your deployed software in your service's Dashboard Overview.1. ...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Database credentials

Services Dashboard Overview

This only applies to database software. You can view your database software in your service Dash...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit

Admin UI

Services Dashboard Overview

Most supported softwares have an administrative web interface. Selecting the Display Admin UI bu...

Updated 1 year ago by Amit