Recently Updated Pages
Output Cache
From the Dashboard, navigate to the Security tab and select Show Options under Output Cache.From ...
IP rate limiter
From the Dashboard, click on Security then Rate Limiter > Show Options.From here, you can easily ...
How can I automatically remove system log files in order to free up disk space?
By default, new instances are automatically configured to delete log files on a daily basis. How...
Create a new volume
To create a new volume in an Elestio: Step 1: Open Elestio Dashboard and then click the volume ...
Can I use OUTFILE in Managed MySQL?
Yes it's possible on Elestio. Since we are running MySQL inside a docker container you will have ...
Create your own template (elestio.yml)
You can create your own template to be deployed on Elestio for yourself (private repo) or for any...
How to Create AWS Access and Secret Key for External backups (S3)
To create your AWS Access and Secret Key, follow these steps. Step 1:- Use your AWS account ID...
How to Create Bucket in AWS for External backups (S3)
To create your bucket for backups, follow these steps. Step 1:- Use your AWS account ID or acc...
We automatically setup all services with several layers of security activated by default.This inc...
How to Create AWS Access and Secret Key for BYOAWS
To create your AWS Access and Secret Key, follow these steps. Step 1:- Use your AWS account ID...
AWS EC2 or (BYOAWS) Bring Your Own AWS Account
AWS is the largest cloud provider with one of the best networks available and a large number of r...
Increase AWS Main (Disk Or Volume) Size
Your AWS provider instance disc size can be changed at any time between 10 GB and 10 TB. On AWS ...
Update AWS Account Access and Secret Credentials
You can update your AWS Access and Secret Credentials at any time inside your project settings. ...
Delete a project
How do I delete a project? Only owners and admins of projects have permission to delete a projec...
Can I deploy Elestio services on-premise or on my existing cloud infrastructure?
Yes, you can connect any on-premises or cloud VM managed services dashboard with our "Bring Your ...
Is it possible to restrict access to my virtual machine (with a firewall)?
Yes, every service has a pre-configured firewall that allows access to the internet through ports...
What type of support does Elestio offer?
Email and community support via our forum is available to everyone with our Test plan, with no SL...
Why am I receiving a low credit warning even though auto recharge is enabled?
Users who have credits remaining for less than 7 days receive a low credit warning email once per...
Can I migrate/clone my service to another cloud or region?
Yes, you can migrate or clone a running service to any other target cloud or region by simply cli...
Can I install more than one software on the same VM?
Our dedicated services are running in complete isolation, so one service equals one VM. Using our...