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Custom domain and automated encryption (SSL/TLS)


If you have activated the firewall on your service ensure port 80 is open or else certificate cre...

Updated 3 months ago by Amit

Service Support Plans

Services Dashboard Overview

Elestio offers 3 levels of support.Our Level 1 Support plan is included for free with all deploye...

Updated 5 months ago by Amit

Elestio Data Processing Agreement

Legal & Compliance

Last Modified: December 21, 2022 1. Background This Data Processing Agreement (‘’DPA’’) is atta...

Updated 5 months ago by Joseph Benguira

Terms & Conditions

Legal & Compliance is a website owned by ELESTIO LIMITED, a company based in Ireland with its registered of...

Updated 5 months ago by Joseph Benguira

Create a project

Projects & Teams Projects

Click on Project dropdown and Create new Project 2. Project information - Give a name to yo...

Updated 6 months ago by Joseph Benguira

Can my software services communicate between different cloud providers safely?

Frequently Asked Questions

Every Elestio project establishes a unique and secure encrypted virtual network, allowing service...

Updated 7 months ago by Amit

How to Transfer your Domains from GoDaddy /others to elestio


If you desire to transfer your domain to Elestio, here is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide tha...

Updated 7 months ago by Amit

Why did the payment fail when I was attempting to add credits?

Frequently Asked Questions

Encountering difficulties with payment failures while attempting to add credits? Fear not, as we'...

Updated 7 months ago by Amit

How are operating system(OS) upgrades managed?

Frequently Asked Questions

Automatic Minor OS Updates: Minor operating system updates are automatically performed eve...

Updated 7 months ago by Amit

Create a new service

Getting started

1. To create a new service, first open Elestio Dashboard Use the category tabs to filter the...

Updated 7 months ago by Amit

Migrate Mastodon server to Elestio


This migration document focuses on the migration of the applications supported by Elestio. Find t...

Updated 7 months ago by Amit

Migrate Superset to Elestio


This migration document focuses on the migration of the applications supported by Elestio. Find t...

Updated 7 months ago by Amit

Automated External Backups (S3)


External backups are stored in your S3 bucket, so you own your backups directly. Elestio's extern...

Updated 8 months ago by Amit



A robust backup strategy is fundamental to keeping data safe. By default, automates a 3...

Updated 8 months ago by Amit

Automated VM Snapshots


VM snapshots are made using the provider's snapshot API and are stored in the same region where y...

Updated 8 months ago by Amit

Manual Local backups


Local backups are useful if you need to take a quick backup of a small dataset locally and want t...

Updated 8 months ago by Amit

Automated Remote Backups (Borg)


Remote backups are sent to another datacenter in the same continent that your service (Ashburn US...

Updated 8 months ago by Amit

Migrate Jenkins Pipeline to Elestio


This migration document focuses on the migration of the applications supported by Elestio. Find t...

Updated 8 months ago by Amit

Migrate MySQL Database to Elestio


This migration document focuses on the migration of the applications supported by Elestio. Find t...

Updated 8 months ago by Amit

Migrate Wordpress to Elestio


This migration document focuses on the migration of the applications supported by Elestio. Find t...

Updated 8 months ago by kaiwalya