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72 total results found



A robust backup strategy is fundamental to keeping data safe. By default, automates a 3-2-1 backup strategy for all new services.3 copies of your data exist at all times.2 are kept in geographically distinct data centers in your selected region.1 bac...

Manual Local backups


Local backups are useful if you need to take a quick backup of a small dataset locally and want to download the backup to your computer, or just be able to restore it later quickly. Local backups only contain the software's data volume, not the OS or software...

Automated Remote Backups (Borg)


Remote backups are sent to another datacenter in the same continent that your service (Ashburn USA for the US, Germany for EU zone and rest of the world). We use Borg Backups to do incremental backups with deduplication. It's very fast and efficient. This kind...

Automated VM Snapshots


VM snapshots are made using the provider's snapshot API and are stored in the same region where you have your service. It is only available under Support Plans Levels 2 and 3. It's a full snapshot of the VM, meaning it contains everything: OS, Apps, data, et...


Projects & Teams Projects

Project is a collection of services. It's useful to group your services by project name. All services are billed to the owner of the project. You can invite coworkers as read-only or admins of your projects, this way they can use the different resources safel...

Manage projects

Projects & Teams Projects

Changing project settings Select Settings from the left menu.You can easily rename your project, change the technical email target and update the project description. Don't forget to press Save to store your update!

Delete a project

Projects & Teams Projects

How do I delete a project? Only owners and admins of projects have permission to delete a project.1. Click on Project Settings in the left menu2. Select Delete Project A user must always have at least one project. In order to delete a project, it must be fr...


Projects & Teams Teams

Creating a project assigns you an administrator role as the project owner. As an administrator (Admin) you can invite people to a project and assign them specific access.To invite a member:1. Select Members from the left menu2. Press the Add Member button3. En...



We automatically setup all services with several layers of security activated by default.This includes: Automated SSL / TLS Network Firewall IP Rate Limiter Output Cache Accidental termination protection & Grace period Manage SSH Keys Each of these ...

Custom domain and automated encryption (SSL/TLS)


If you have activated the firewall on your service ensure port 80 is open or else certificate creation/renewal will fail Access the "Manage SSL Domains" option within the "Custom Domain Names" row located in the overview tab of the service dashboard. From ...

Network Firewall


By default, we only open the ports necessary for the application you have deployed.  How can I restrict access to my service by IP address? From the Dashboard, select "Security", then "Show Settings" on the Firewall row From there you can modify, remove, ...

IP rate limiter


From the Dashboard, click on Security then Rate Limiter > Show Options.From here, you can easily modify and adjust your service's rate limiter configurations, by amount and per minute or second, per IP address. By default, all services are preconfigured with ...

Output Cache


From the Dashboard, navigate to the Security tab and select Show Options under Output Cache.From here, you can modify your output cache configurations.All GET requests are cached for 3 seconds, which is useful in preventing Denial of Service (DOS) attacks. Al...

Termination protection & grace period


You can enable or disable the Termination protection option from your Dashboard Overview, using the toggle on the right-hand side. This setting is disabled by default. It's not possible to change software versions, delete, shut down, power off, reset or reb...

Create an account

Getting started

To create a new account, first, go to elestio signup page Securely connect elestio to your existing GitHub, GitLab, or Google accounts using OAuth2. Or sign-up using any valid email address:             MFA is enabl...


Services Dashboard

Alerts are enabled by default on all new services. You can enable or completely disable alerts. You can also configure usage limits per resource. The default cycle duration is 1 minute and you can configure a number of cycles above the limit before sending a...

Delete a service

Services Dashboard Overview

To delete a service, ensure that termination protection is disabled then click on "Delete service" button in the top bar. There you must type or copy/paste the service name below to confirm the service deletion By default, deleted services will be kept for...

Upgrade support plan

Services Dashboard Overview

From the service overview, click on "Upgrade plan" on the support plan row to change your support plan: There you can switch to any other support plan While it's possible to change support plans, it's important to note this is only possible once every 30...

SMTP service


All deployed services include a basic preconfigured SMTP service, useful for sending alerts and notifications from your service. This is free, but comes with a few limitations: You can only send transactional emails. Marketing emails are not permitted. A...



All billable resources are attached to a project. At the beginning of each hour, your resources will be billed and the hourly cost will be deducted from the project owner's balance. If your balance reach zero your services will be suspended and you won't be a...