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Creating a Database

PostgreSQL allows you to create databases using different methods, including the PostgreSQL interactive shell (psql), Docker (assuming PostgreSQL is running inside a container), and the command-line interface (createdb). This guide explains each method step-by-step, covering required permissions, best practices, and troubleshooting common issues.

Creating Using psql CLI

PostgreSQL is a database system that stores and manages structured data efficiently. The psql tool is an interactive command-line interface (CLI) that allows users to execute SQL commands directly on a PostgreSQL database. Follow these steps to create a database:

Connect to PostgreSQL

Open terminal on your local system, and if PostgreSQL is installed locally, connect using the following command. If not installed, install from official website:

psql -U postgres

For a remote database, use:


Replace HOST with the database server address, USER with the PostgreSQL username, and DATABASE with an existing database name.

Create a New Database

Inside the psql shell, run:


The default settings will apply unless specified otherwise. To customize the encoding and collation, use:


Creating Database in Docker

Docker is a tool that helps run applications in isolated environments called containers. A PostgreSQL container provides a self-contained database instance that can be quickly deployed and managed. If you are running PostgreSQL inside a Docker container, follow these steps:

Pull the PostgreSQL Docker Image

As you start, make sure your docker is running correctly. Next, if you haven’t already downloaded the PostgreSQL image, run the following command and it will take a while to pull the image successfully:

docker pull postgres

Start a PostgreSQL Container

Run a new PostgreSQL instance using Docker. This will run the docker image as a container using the given credentials, ports etc:

docker run --name my-postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

Access the PostgreSQL Shell Inside the Container

Connect to the running container, this will execute the given command inside the docker container:

docker exec -it my-postgres psql -U admin

Create a Database

Inside the PostgreSQL shell, run following command to create the specific database:


Creating Using createdb CLI 

The createdb command simplifies database creation from the terminal without using psql.

Ensure PostgreSQL is Running

Check the PostgreSQL service status, this ensure that the PostgreSQL instance is running on your local instance:

sudo systemctl status postgresql

If not running, start it:

sudo systemctl start postgresql

Create a Database

Now, you can create a simple database using the following command:

createdb -U postgres mydatabase

To specify encoding and collation:

createdb -U postgres --encoding=UTF8 --lc-collate=en_US.UTF-8 --lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8 mydatabase

Verify Database Creation

List all databases using following commands as it will list all the databases available under your postgres:

psql -U postgres -l

Connect to the New Database

Next you can easily connect with the database using psql command and starting working on it.

psql -U postgres -d mydatabase

Required Permissions for Database Creation

Creating a database requires the CREATEDB privilege. By default, the postgres user has this privilege. To grant it to another user:


For restricted access, assign specific permissions:

CREATE ROLE newuser WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'securepassword';
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE mydatabase TO newuser;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO newuser;

Best Practices for Creating Databases

  • Use Meaningful Names: Choosing clear and descriptive names for databases helps in organization and maintenance. Avoid generic names like testdb or database1, as they do not indicate the database’s purpose. Instead, use names that reflect the type of data stored, such as customer_data or sales_records. Meaningful names make it easier for developers and administrators to understand the database’s function without extra documentation.
  • Follow Naming Conventions: A standardized naming convention ensures consistency across projects and simplifies database management. PostgreSQL is case-sensitive, so using lowercase letters and underscores (e.g., order_details) is recommended to avoid unnecessary complexities. Avoid spaces and special characters in names, as they require additional quoting in SQL queries.
  • Restrict User Permissions: Granting only the necessary permissions improves database security and reduces risks. By default, users should have the least privilege required for their tasks, such as read-only access for reporting tools. Superuser or administrative privileges should be limited to trusted users to prevent accidental or malicious changes. Using roles and groups simplifies permission management and ensures consistent access control.
  • Enable Backups: Regular backups ensure data recovery in case of accidental deletions, hardware failures, or security breaches. PostgreSQL provides built-in tools like pg_dump for single-database backups and pg_basebackup for full-instance backups. Automating backups using cron jobs or scheduling them through a database management tool reduces the risk of data loss.
  • Monitor Performance: Monitoring database performance helps identify bottlenecks, optimize queries, and ensure efficient resource utilization. PostgreSQL provides system views like pg_stat_activity and pg_stat_database to track query execution and database usage. Analyzing slow queries using EXPLAIN ANALYZE helps in indexing and optimization. 
SELECT datname, numbackends, xact_commit, blks_read FROM pg_stat_database;

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Issue Possible Cause Solution
ERROR: permission denied to create database User lacks CREATEDB privileges Grant permission using ALTER USER username CREATEDB;
ERROR: database "mydatabase" already exists Database name already taken Use a different name or drop the existing one with DROP DATABASE mydatabase;
FATAL: database "mydatabase" does not exist Attempting to connect to a non-existent database Verify creation using \l
psql: could not connect to server PostgreSQL is not running Start PostgreSQL with sudo systemctl start postgresql
ERROR: role "username" does not exist The specified user does not exist Create the user with CREATE ROLE username WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';