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Custom domain and automated encryption (SSL/TLS)
If you have activated the firewall on your service ensure port 80 is open or else certificate cre...
How to Enable or Disable IPv6 on a Linux Virtual Machine
IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol, designed to address the limitations of IPv4....
SEPA Direct Debit Payment Option on Elestio
At Elestio, we aim to make payment processing as convenient and accessible as possible for our cu...
How to Deploy or Integrate a Service with Tor Onion on Elestio
To make your services accessible over Tor, you can configure a Tor service within your service Do...
How can I automatically remove system log files in order to free up disk space?
By default, new instances are automatically configured to delete log files on a daily basis. How...
How to Run a Nuxt App with preinstall script in Elestio
When running a Nuxt.js application using runtime NodeJs, particularly with a preinstall script, y...
How to connect to an Elestio service with SSH keys
Connecting to an Elestio service Using Existing SSH Keys from a Mac/Linux Machine Step 1: Check ...
Create a new service with Bring your own AWS Account (BYOAWS)
To create a new service, first, open Elestio Dashboard, then go to services from the left sideba...
What is Elestio?
Elestio is the simplest way to run Open Source Software. Deploy any one of over 350+ supported o...
Terms & Conditions is a website owned by ELESTIO LIMITED, a company based in Ireland with its registered of...
How to Create a Pipeline for Git Submodule Repo
Deploying code from a repository that includes Git submodules can be a bit more complex than a st...
MySQL cluster with Multi-master or Replica mode
If you can’t afford for your database to be down for even a few minutes, a Multi-Master cluster i...
KeyDB (Redis compatible) with Multi-master or Replica mode
If you can’t afford for your database to be down for even a few minutes, you need a Multi-Master ...
Hydra Database Migration to Elestio
Elestio provides a robust and user-friendly platform for managing your database migrations seamle...
TimescaleDB Database Migration to Elestio
Elestio provides a robust and user-friendly platform for managing your database migrations seamle...
MongoDB Database Migration to Elestio
Elestio provides a robust and user-friendly platform for managing your database migrations seamle...
Valkey Database Migration to Elestio
Elestio provides a robust and user-friendly platform for managing your database migrations seamle...
KeyDB Database Migration to Elestio
Elestio provides a robust and user-friendly platform for managing your database migrations seamle...
Redis Database Migration to Elestio
Elestio provides a robust and user-friendly platform for managing your database migrations seamle...
PostgreSQL Database Migration to Elestio
Elestio provides a robust and user-friendly platform for managing your database migrations seamle...